In an increasingly populous world, where consumption is the focal point of human experience, talking about environmental compensation practices is extremely important. The eureciclo seal...

A little push from the brazilian government for solar energy
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MCTI Ordinance eliminates taxes for equipment used in the production of generators; two weeks ago, the government extended credit to the sector.
The federal government gave another push, this Tuesday (11), for the solar energy sector in Brazil. Inputs for the production of solar panels and photovoltaic generators now have a zero rate of IPI, Pis and Cofins for sale in the domestic market or import. The list is in an ordinance signed by the Minister of Science and Technology, Luciana Santos, and the Minister of Industry, Vice President Geraldo Alckmin.
The benefit is based on a 2007 law that equates the benefits of solar energy generators to semiconductors, which have their own incentive program established by law.
The measure is not the first of the government for the sector. Two weeks ago, by extending the benefits to semiconductors, the Executive had already guaranteed the same for solar energy. Until the end of next year, the company that spends on research and development of solar energy will be able to guarantee up to 262% of this value in credit for its production (this percentage decreases to 246% in 2025).
This week, Brazil became the 8th largest generator of solar energy on the planet.

Brazilian Agribusiness Foreign Trade Report
source: cna In June 2023, Brazilian agribusiness exports reached US$ 15.3 billion. Among the main products, raw cane sugar showed the highest growth rate...

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