In an increasingly populous world, where consumption is the focal point of human experience, talking about environmental compensation practices is extremely important. The eureciclo seal...
Brazilian Agribusiness Foreign Trade Report
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In June 2023, Brazilian agribusiness exports reached US$ 15.3 billion. Among the main products, raw cane sugar showed the highest growth rate (+46.1%), compared to June 2022. Among the main destinations, the increase in sales to Argentina (+237, 0%) and for Indonesia (+83.7%), compared to the same period last year.
Download the full report here.
Everything you need to know about tax mistakes: How to avoid tax problems in Brazil
Foreign trade has become an attraction for Brazilian businessmen who wish to import raw materials or even sell their goods abroad. Despite the opportunity, there...
Agribusiness Foreign Trade Bulletin
fonte: CNA Brasil In May 2023, Brazilian agribusiness exports reached US$ 16.6 billion. Among the main products, soybeans in grain showed the highest growth...