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Machinery Importation

Direct exportation

When dealing with projects involving the importation of machinery and equipment, whether new or used, a series of preliminary analyses is necessary before shipment. The rules governing these imports may change based on the procedures and requirements set by regulatory agencies and the Federal Revenue Service.


The objective of these checks is to ensure the utmost safety in the process while optimizing operational and financial costs.

When it comes to safety, a thorough analysis is conducted on the specific characteristics of each machine slated for importation to determine the logistics required for inland freight. This entails defining the protocols for handling the cargo on domestic roads en route to the designated port or airport for international transit of the machinery & equipment.

Subsequently, based on dimensional and gross weight data, estimates are generated for both the costs and timelines associated with transporting the loads internationally. This may involve container shipment, flat racks, or specialized vessels such as break bulk (where cargo is stowed in the holds of ships) and Ro-Ro (roll-on/roll-off ships).

Depending on the tariff classification (HTS code) of the machinery & equipment, various financial benefits may be attainable, including:



Getting an EX-TARIFF, which is exclusive to brand-new machinery and equipment, involves putting in a request with the MDIC (Ministry of Industry, Trade, and Services). This process can slash Import Duty rates down to 0%, as long as it’s proven that there are no locally made goods in Brazil that match the imported ones.


For machinery subject to PIS & COFINS taxes classified as monofasic (rates for nationalizations exceeding 2.10% and 10.65%, respectively) and intended for resale in Brazil, importing on demand (IN. 1937/20) will result in a financial gain when calculating the profit margin for the sales of these machines.


Determining the most suitable location for customs clearance of machinery and equipment: Currently, SAVIXX offers customs clearance options in the following states: SP, SC, ES, and PE.


Logistical analysis of delivery freight to the client’s location.

Import Leasing

SAVIXX offers the option of Import Leasing for machinery and equipment intended for the company’s Fixed Assets.

In these operations, clients won’t need Radar (Authorization to Operate in Foreign Trade), as banks will finance all the amounts involved in the project within agreed-upon terms.

SAVIXX partners with banks like Bradesco, Safra, Daycoval, Alfa, and Santander for this importation modality.


Improvement in the ICMS framework regarding the tax collection process flow.

All-In Insurance

The machinery & equipment will be covered under Savixx’s insurance policy.

The All-in insurance option offers security throughout the process, eliminating the need for an additional policy from the client to cover damages and losses that may occur during shipment until delivery at the designated location.

Other success stories




During a visit to an industry located in the state of São Paulo, we identified a client’s interest in acquiring an industrial equipment from a...
See case

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